For years it was a burden on my heart when I saw the daily challenges these groups of people faced.
Samburu women and children scavenging for water
Greetings in the name of our soon and coming King!
I am delighted that the desired level of commitment including medical, sanitation, dental, and evangelism efforts will now be designated to the Maasai and Samburu people. I believe with all my heart it was not by coincidence but by Divine Providence when I met the president of the In My Backyard Ministry, Jerome Gayle, during my visit to the United States in 2018.
For years it was a burden on my heart when I saw the daily challenges these groups of people faced. I was further delighted when he told me for many years, he too had a strong desire to do outreach to this group but had no contacts from within Kenya. Since our meeting, much has taken place resulting in the ministry of In My Backyard now registered in Kenya as a non-profit organization.
This is a tremendous boost to our efforts and will give the organization much leverage.
As Kenya’s Regional Director for the ministry, I am delighted to be a part of this great initiative. I encourage everyone to learn more about what we are doing via the website. The needs are severe and urgent therefore, I urge everyone to get involved with your financial gifts and prayers so we can finish the work God has called us to do. Thanks to everyone for all your support and may the new year bring you much prosperity in all your endeavors.
Pastor Stephen Mettei
In My Backyard Regional Director – Kenya and East Africa